How Teachers Can Support Arab-American Students 14Feb2022 by Jennifer Gonzalez Even when they appear to be navigating school successfully, Arab-American students aren’t thriving like they could. But we can change that.
Suicide Prevention: What Teachers Can Do 5Sep2021 by Jennifer Gonzalez Suicide is a leading cause of death in young people. What can teachers do to help?
The Importance of Maslow’s Fourth Tier 11Jul2021 by Connie Hamilton What we call “attention-seeking behavior” is a sign of a deficit need. How can we help students meet this need in a healthy way?
Connecting Students in a Disconnected World 23Nov2020 by Jennifer Gonzalez Breakout rooms, collaborative projects, games—whatever we do, it’s crucial that we do something to get our students talking to each other.
Creating Moments of Genuine Connection Online 16Aug2020 by Jennifer Gonzalez Making each student feel known and respected is always important. So how do you do it when teaching online?
Social-Emotional Learning: Not Just for Kids 12Apr2020 by Wendy Turner Maybe we don’t need an SEL curriculum or skills block. Maybe all we need is to model the competencies we wish to see in our students every day.
Are Your Diversity Strategies Missing the Mark? Nine Ways to Get it Right 1Mar2020 by Hedreich Nichols These tips will help you improve your practice and avoid some of the faux pas that come with teaching students who look, think, or opine differently than you.
Repairing Harm: A Better Alternative to Punishment 10Nov2019 by Jennifer Gonzalez Exclusionary punishments don’t really change behavior. Having students work to repair the harm done by their actions can be much more effective.
Time to Take a Look at Your Dress Code 17Feb2019 by Jennifer Gonzalez Many dress codes unfairly target students in certain populations, doing more harm than good. This guide will help you review and revise your current policy.