What Teachers Want You To Know: A Note to School Administrators 4Sep2017 by Jennifer Gonzalez I take the liberty of speaking for them here because many don’t feel free to speak for themselves.
How Pineapple Charts Revolutionize Professional Development 25Sep2016 by Jennifer Gonzalez As one-size-fits-all PD fades into obscurity, more personalized professional development models have emerged. The Pineapple Chart may be the greatest of them all.
How to Plan Outstanding Tech Training for Your Teachers 20Mar2016 by Jennifer Gonzalez What are the best practices in tech training for teachers? Three technology integration specialists give us advice about the most effective way to plan and deliver ed tech training in schools.
A Day in the Life of a School Psychologist 19Dec2015 by Angie McIntyre If you think school psychologists spend most of their time counseling students, think again.
When a Principal Whips and Nae Naes 28Nov2015 by Jennifer Gonzalez As an administrator, you must be seen as a competent leader. But if your school culture needs a boost of positivity, consider the fine art of goofing around.
3 Hacks that Solve Big School Problems 5Aug2015 by Jennifer Gonzalez Teachers are not short on problems. But you don’t have to wait for a committee or a bigger budget to start solving them. Take these 3 hacks, for example…
Is Your Professional Learning Community a Farce? 26Jul2015 by Chase Mielke Many schools use PLCs for teacher collaboration, but whether they really fit that description is up for debate. Here are 5 ways to tell if your PLC isn’t living up to its name.
The Principal’s Pet: A Cautionary Tale 8Jul2015 by Jennifer Gonzalez No one likes it when an administrator plays favorites. But what if the favorite is you?
Principals: Are you brave enough to ask for staff feedback? 3May2015 by Jennifer Gonzalez Your staff is one of the most valuable sources of information you have about how effectively you’re doing your job. But are you asking?