Make Units More Inspiring with Vision Boards 31Oct2021 by Amanda Cardenas Planning units can be less than exciting when all you have to deal with is words. A vision board can generate fresh enthusiasm and help you focus on what really matters.
Why You Should Bring Podcasts Into Your Classroom 8Aug2021 by Lindsay Patterson Podcasts are a screen-free, movement-enabling, ear-stimulating and eye-opening way to deliver content. Learn the benefits and where to find great ones.
How ELA and Special Ed Collaboration Can Produce Great Student Writing 25Jul2021 by Sarah Riggs Johnson Writing can be especially difficult for students with learning differences. How can ELA and special ed teachers optimize their partnership to get the best from these kids?
The Importance of Maslow’s Fourth Tier 11Jul2021 by Connie Hamilton What we call “attention-seeking behavior” is a sign of a deficit need. How can we help students meet this need in a healthy way?
Does Your School Need a Literacy Check-Up? 14Jun2021 by Angela Peery Literacy is arguably the most valuable asset we develop in our students, but many classrooms are missing the teaching practices that would make the biggest difference.
The Magic of Mistakes: 4 Ways to Boost Critical Thinking with Mistake Analysis 18Apr2021 by Colin Seale Wrong answers can be an incredible tool for learning. Discover how easy it is to add mistake analysis to your classroom.
If Equity is a Priority, UDL is a Must 21Mar2021 by Katie Novak This framework rejects one-size-fits-all teaching and offers options for how to engage, what materials to use, and how to demonstrate learning.
How to Set Up Mastery-Based Grading in Your Classroom 7Mar2021 by Kareem Farah It feels terrible when you know some students didn’t really learn the content, but you move them on anyway. Mastery-based grading solves that problem.
Up-Down-Both-Why: A Funds of Feeling Approach to Literature 24Jan2021 by Sarah Levine Students often struggle to make meaningful connections to literature and put those connections into words. This technique helps.