Teaching Executive Functions to All Students 4Aug2024 by Jennifer Gonzalez All students can benefit from learning and practicing executive functions. This 5-step system makes it possible without taking time away from class.
Supporting Intermediate English Learners in Every Subject 21May2023 by Jennifer Gonzalez Students who have learned enough English to thrive socially may still need scaffolding to thrive academically. These strategies can help.
Words Matter: Language-Affirming Classrooms for Code-Switching Students 10Jul2022 by Andrea Castellano Rather than micromanaging how they use their language, we can guide students to decide for themselves when and how they code-switch.
The Surprising Benefits of Student-Created Graphic Novels 21Jul2019 by Shveta Miller Graphic novels are wonderful for reading, but when students use this form for their own writing, incredible stories can emerge.
To Boost Learning, Just Add Movement 31Mar2019 by Jennifer Gonzalez Physical movement makes learning stick better. Explore six different ways to add more movement to your classroom.
Voice of Witness: Bring the Power of Oral History to Your Classroom 23Sep2018 by Jennifer Gonzalez The need for these books goes beyond curriculum: Reading these stories will make our students better humans.
Co-Teaching: How to Make it Work 5Feb2017 by Angela Peery When done well, co-teaching offers benefits for both students and teachers. When not done well, it can be confusing or downright frustrating for all involved.
A Strength-Based Approach to Teaching English Learners 11Sep2016 by Laura Lenz Instead of focusing on the deficits of English language learners, what if we held up their cultures, languages, unique skills, and life experiences as assets?
How Dialogue Journals Build Teacher-Student Relationships 21Aug2016 by Jennifer Gonzalez Dialogue journals are a powerful tool for building trust with your students. Learn how they work.