Polish your craft, fuel your brain, and feed your soul.
Pure teacher nerdy goodness right in your ears.
Some things just make more sense if you see them.
Stuff for your classroom, your mind, and your closet.
If you’ve ever been told you’re way too into your job…
If you can’t stop talking about teaching (even during happy hour)…
If you buy teaching books with your own money and wake up in the middle of the night with lesson ideas…
Welcome home, friend. This place was built for you.
Excellent teaching is an art. It’s also a science. We can study and practice it in hundreds of ways, and this is what I obsess about here. When I was full-time in the trenches, I was too busy teaching to fully develop my craft, keep up with research, play around with new tools, or find PD that really hit the spot. Now I have made it my full-time job to do this for you: I dig through all of it, weed out the crap, and show you the best stuff so you can crush it in the classroom.