When it comes to school reform, it seems most of the focus falls squarely on teachers. But what about administrators — the principals, assistant principals, headmasters, district superintendents, and others who are charged with making and enforcing policy? No one is talking about the work they do and how it impacts school success.
I think it’s time we start. To dig into every teacher’s experiences and start figuring what specific things a truly effective school leader does. And what specific things the ineffective one are doing, too. Our administrators will never get any better without honest feedback. So let’s collectively give them some.
Our Survey on Administration has been designed to allow you to anonymously evaluate any administrator who has had an impact on your work as a teacher — this can be a current administrator or someone you worked with in the past. Talk about the things they’re doing right and the things that need improving. If you want to write about more than one administrator, take the survey again for each new person.
UPDATE: The survey is now closed and the results have been reported! Click here to read more.